一 なぜ江戸の孝なのか
二 近世孝文化の研究史
三 本書の研究姿勢
四 本書の構成
第一章 孝文化研究序説
第一節 孝子表彰への好意的なまなざし―十七世紀後半の全体像
一 江戸から見た孝とは
二 孝子表彰説話を受け入れる土壌
三 文字資料の伝播力
四 表彰されない逸話
五 情報圏と孝子説話
六 おわりに
第二節 西鶴は孝道奨励政策を批判しなかった―不孝説話としての『本朝二十不孝』
一 孝の奨励か批判か
二 実践と説話とのちがい
三 孝行説話の話型
四 不孝説話のからくり
五 序文は何を宣言したか
六 『本朝二十不孝』の不孝者
七 おわりに
第三節 表彰が人を動かし、作品を生む―駿河国五郎右衛門を例に
一 政治と文学のあいだで
二 対象作品と略年表
三 天野弥五右衛門長重との出会い
四 二度目の江戸行と饗応―作品一〔五郎右衛門像賛〕
五 五郎右衛門伝の依頼者―作品三「孝子今泉村五郎右衛門伝」
六 もうひとつの五郎右衛門伝―作品二〔五郎右衛門刷物〕
七 記念品としての作品成立―作品四〔六字名号父母画幅〕
八 おわりに
第四節 表彰は説話の起爆剤―駿河国五郎右衛門をめぐって
一 孝子伝は信用できるか
二 逸話のない孝子
三 五郎右衛門の説話資料
四 かわら版から儒者伝記へ―〔五郎右衛門刷物〕と「孝子今泉村五郎右衛門伝」
五 逸話の多様化―表彰から二年後以降の展開
六 表彰と説話との関係
七 おわりに
第二章 表彰と孝子伝の発生
第一節 綱吉による孝行奨励政策の背景
一 全国の大名と綱吉
二 寛永期まで(〜一六四四)―芽生えの季節
三 正保〜万治期(一六四四〜一六六一)―はじまりは会津と岡山
四 寛文期(一六六一〜一六七三)―松平忠房の参入
五 延宝期(一六七三〜一六八一)―徳川光圀の参入
六 綱吉まで
第二節 偽キリシタン兄弟の流転―保科正之の孝子認定と会津藩における顕彰
一 忘れられた存在
二 対立する評価―①読耕斎「甲州孝子事記」②鵞峰「甲州里民伝」
三 全国と地方での発掘―③一雪『古今犬著聞集』④信斎「孝子伝」
四 会津藩の目覚め―⑤『会津孝子伝』
五 近世孝子伝と地元意識―⑥『会津孝子伝』
六 説話のゆくえ―⑦『日新館童子訓』ほか
七 おわりに
第三節 表彰と説話集とのあいだ―岡山藩
一 岡山藩に注目する理由
二 近世前期岡山藩の表彰と説話集
三 『続備陽善人記』の成立と文章
四 『備陽善人記』の作者と成立時期
五 記されない表彰―『備陽善人記』の文章(一)
六 記されすぎる表彰―『備陽善人記』の文章(二)
七 おわりに
第四節 宝物としての孝子伝―福知山藩・島原藩
一 孝子表彰と孝子伝執筆
二 忠房孝子伝の先駆性と特色
三 忠房の孝行奨励の全体像
四 忠房孝子伝の役割〈一〉―林家との関わりの中で
五 忠房孝子伝の役割〈二〉―孝子伝の流布
六 忠房孝子伝の役割〈三〉―表記と教訓
七 『本朝孝子伝』への影響
八 忠房孝子伝の変質
九 おわりに
第三章 孝子日本代表の形成
第一節 明代仏教がリードした江戸の孝子伝―元政『釈氏二十四孝』と高泉『釈門孝伝』
一 孝子伝と護法
二 孝子・元政
三 『釈氏二十四孝』
四 元政の「無為報恩」観
五 僧へ孝を説く
六 明僧・袾宏の影響
七 明代仏教を踏まえた生き方
八 孝子説話の展開についての研究史
九 高泉『釈門孝伝』について
十 灯史の影響
十一 当代日本人僧の追加
十二 日本人僧追加の背景
十三 おわりに
第二節 儒者が選んだ日本史上の孝子
一 代表選出の季節
二 林羅山『十孝子』をもとめて
三 孝子の顔ぶれ
四 奏上文からの選出
五 仏教説話から孝子説話へ
六 林鵞峰の孝子選出―『本朝言行録』と『続本朝人鑑』
七 『本朝孝子伝』の古典章段
八 鵞峰・懶斎が選んだ孝子たち
九 依拠資料の違い
十 神と天皇の孝子―『本朝孝子伝』人選の特徴①
十一 仏教批判と典拠主義―『本朝孝子伝』人選の特徴②
十二 葬祭の重視―『本朝孝子伝』人選の特徴③
十三 人選の背景にあるもの
第三節 『本朝孝子伝』刊行直後
一 あまりに早い改編
二 修訂とその先後
三 七冊本と三冊本
四 なぜ改版されたのか
五 刊行後に寄せられた指摘
六 『仮名本朝孝子伝』へ
七 漢文版の著者自身による平仮名化
八 平仮名本出版の両面
九 神代に孝子をさがす
十 新たな文献の提示
十一 おわりに
第四節 弥作が孝子日本代表になるまで―水戸藩の表彰と顕彰
一 顕彰される理由は
二 弥作の表彰から、伝記が書かれるまで
三 弥作伝の系譜
四 百年の黙殺
五 文政期の碑建立と小宮山楓軒
六 弥作家再興と大場家
七 『野史』への入集
八 『幼学綱要』への入集
九 おわりに
第四章 藤井懶斎伝―いかにして『本朝孝子伝』は生まれたか
元和三年(一六一七)丁巳 一歳〜宝永六年(一七〇九)己丑 九十三歳
Filial Piety Culture in the Edo Period
Motoi Katsumata
In the Edo period, filial commendations were presented by rulers of various status levels, including not only Shōgun(将軍) and Daimyō (大名) but also lower-level officials such as Guindai(郡代) and Nanushi(名主). This convention continued until the end of WWII with more than 20,000 recipients.
Filial commendation and filial piety were not objects of cultural study until the end of the war because they were a fundamental part of life. Many of the modern studies on filial piety in the Edo period try to discern how rulers utilized this virtue to strengthen feudalism. In Japan, filial piety was considered to be the foundation of loyalty, as shown by sayings such as "Filial piety and loyalty are united(忠孝一本)" and "A good son makes a loyal retainer(忠臣は孝子の門に出づ)". Scholars have tended to interpret filial commendation as a technique to keep the status quo.
I believe this viewpoint is a result of modern perspective. This was likely very different from the thinking held by those in the Edo era. My goal is to understand Edo society and culture from the viewpoint of those who lived at that time. For this purpose, I will discuss three ways to approach the issue.
1) Focusing on the cultural driving force of filial piety: During the Edo period the belief in filial piety was very strong. No sect or class doubted the goodness of this virtue. Such strong belief naturally produced many cultural phenomena. So, while it is common to criticize the filial theme as "crusted" virtue without artistic value, in the Edo period, this usage was being "literary".
2) Interchange of various phenomena: Filial piety culture consisted of various factors -- the filial individual, the political activity of filial commendation, day-to-day gossip, writing the biography of a filial person, and the commercial activity of publishing books relating to filial themes. It's hard to find such various and vital movement within society other than thorough filial piety.
3) A holistic approach to understanding the early Edo period: One of the problems of preceding studies was that research tended to be limited to a specific clan. I try to include all available sources from the 17th century, the early Edo shogunate, in an attempt to give a more complete picture of cultural evolution in the early Edo period.
This book consists of four chapters.
Chapter 1 "An Introduction of Filial Piety Culture Study (孝文化研究序説)" discusses fundamental issues which lay the ground work for the following discussions.
Section 1 proposes that most people in the Edo period saw commendations by feudal lords as overwhelmingly positive. Chinese classical filial stories and filial commendations were common in society, yet no negative comments concerning this have been found from the period.
Section 2 applies this theory to the novel "Honchō Nij ū Fukō 本朝二十不孝 (Twenty Unfilial People in Japan)" by Ihara Saikaku(井原西鶴). Recent studies have tried to read this as a satire about the feudal system. However, in the Edo period, stories with ethical themes were a kind of entertainment. Before Saikaku there were a lot of stories in which an unfilial person came to a bad end. He merely followed this pattern of moral stories to promote filial piety.
Section 3 investigates the driving force behind the creation of biographical writings and other works related to filial piety. While modern scholars have generally regarded these as propaganda, Edo era artists cooperated willingly because they genuinely believed in the virtue of filial piety and wanted to celebrate the recipients of filial commendation.
Section 4 describes one typical process of how a filial person became fictionalized, taking as an example of Gorōemon(五郎右衛門)in Suruga province. His story shows how commendation played an important role in enhancing filial stories.
Chapter 2 "Development of Filial Commendation and Filial Biography(表彰と孝子伝の発生)" first includes a chronological history of commendations and filial biographies, then deals with issues particular to each clan.
Section 1 clarifies the chronological development of filial commendations in the Edo period. Most studies have credited the 5th shōgun Tsunayoshi(徳川綱吉) as the developer of this system. However, before him, the Aizu(会津), the Okayama (岡山), the Fukuchiyama(福知山), the Shimabara(島原) and various other clans had already been awarding filial commendations. Tsunayoshi must have been influenced by such precedents.
Section 2 focuses on a pair of brothers who concocted a scheme in which one brother pretended to be a Kirisitan (Christian) ,which was a crime at that time. Then, the second brother informed on the first and claimed the bounty in order to give money to their parents. When the plot was revealed, the brothers were commended due to the importance of filiality. At that time the brothers came to be seen as icons of filial piety. This example indicates that commendations served a social function to define morality.
Section 3 compares two filial biographical books from the Okayama clan. It shows the change of the function of filial biography from literary work to propaganda tool.
Section 4 argues for the cultural value of filial biography. For example, Matsudaira Tadafusa(松平忠房) commissioned filial biographies from Confucian scholars in the Tokugawa government. These served mainly as gifts for filial persons and for Tadafusa himself, rather than as propaganda to the common people.
Chapter 3 "The Creation of Representative Filial Persons in Japanese History(孝子日本代表の形成)" investigates how, why, and by whom representative filial persons in Japanese history were chosen.
Section 1 argues that Japanese filial biographical culture has its roots in Chinese Buddhism in the Ming dynasty, taking two examples, “Shakushi Nijūshi Kō 釈氏二十四孝 (Twenty Four Filial Monks)” by the Japanese monk Gensei(元政)and “Shakumon Kōden 釈門孝伝 (Filial Monks)” which was authored by the Chinese monk Kōsen(高泉).
Section 2 investigates the development of biographies which showcased icons of filial piety in Japan. Although the common usage was as propaganda, the choice of subject differed widely due to additional purposes. For example, one was for practicing Chinese poetry, while another demonstrated the author’s prejudice against Buddhism.
Section 3 focuses on the controversy just after the publication of "Honchō Kōshi Den 本朝孝子伝 (The Paragons of Filial Piety in Japan)". It quickly became a best seller but also met with a great deal of criticism. This enabled and inspired the author to make extensive revisions in subsequent editions.
Section 4 gives the example of a filial person from the late 17th century. His story had been ignored in the century since his commendation. However, in the Meiji period he was suddenly selected as one of eight important filial persons in Japanese history. His inclusion demonstrates the complexity of the subject and shows that the appreciation of a filial person could depend on the devotion of following generations rather than his own actions.
Chapter 4 "The birth of ‘Honchō Kōshi Den’: The Chronological Biography of Fujii Ransai (藤井懶斎伝―いかにして『本朝孝子伝』は生まれたか)" is an attempt to provide the first thorough investigation into the author of the first orthodox filial biographies. At the same time, this research gives insights into the life of a typical rōnin zjugakusha 浪人儒学者. These masterless Confucians were an educational force in Kyoto.